The Best Thing About Working With PXN Is That The Marketing Department Can’t F*ck It Up


By David Miller, CMO PXN

As a leader of PR and Marketing Departments for over two decades I have seen the collateral damage done to a company’s brand and product assets (and their filing systems) by busy Marketing and PR people one too many times.

It always starts well: “We’ll ask the IT guys to set up a new internal system for us to host and manage our assets… We’ll make sure everyone uses it correctly, putting the right assets in the right folders and keeping it all clean and tidy… The system will be bulletproof, so the office juniors will be able to manage it.” I am sure you’ve heard similar claims before. 

Fast forward a couple of months and the cracks are appearing. A year or two and it’s on its knees: files everywhere, massive duplication, naming conventions out of the window, angry brand managers, unhappy customers.

It doesn’t have to be like this. Managed DAMs (digital asset management systems) like PXN take away 100% of the stress from your company and provide huge added value to your business. Not only do we ensure that your assets are always available for their intended end-user (whether customer, press, agency or other), our unique managed-service means that your assets are always correctly tagged, version-controlled, stored and kept safe despite the best-efforts of your new intern to (accidentally) remove/ overwrite/ misplace* them (*delete as applicable).

At the back end, our servers are co-located with Rackspace and run on AWS. We have DR plans in place and we are GDPR compliant. We have been doing this for 20 years and we have a long and distinguished record of satisfying customers. 

To find out why companies like Sony, Warner Bros and NVIDIA have been relying on PXN for years, and how we can transform your digital asset management (and take a lot of pain out of your PR and Marketing departments), give us a call today.

PXN - aligning assets with audiences (so you don’t have to).

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Olly McGowan